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June 24, 2024

Vitiligo is characterized by skin patches losing pigment. It is known to cause significant emotional distress to individuals living with it. Fortunately, dermatologists have a simple yet effective tool to aid in diagnosis - the Wood's lamp examination. This painless procedure offers valuable insights into the extent and characteristics of pigment loss, contributing to a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. If you want to unveil more details about Wood’s Lamp examination for vitiligo and its crucial role in a proper diagnosis, we have all the details sorted for you. What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is a chronic, autoimmune disorder that affects the melanocytes in the body, leading to the appearance of patchy white spots. While the exact cause behind this condition remains a mystery, researchers believe a combination of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors contributes to its onset and spread. People can suffer from vitiligo regardless of their age, gender, and ethnicity. However, due to the presentation of the symptoms, the appearance of vitiligo is more pronounced in people with darker skin tones. Some of the types of vitiligo include: Non-Segmental Vitiligo (NSV) Segmental Vitiligo (SV) Mucosal Vitiligo Focal Vitiligo Trichome Vitiligo Universal Vitiligo Comprehensive testing and diagnosis are key to determining the kind of vitiligo you have and the ideal route of treatment. Wood’s Lamp examination is one of the most commonly referred modes of testing. What is Wood’s Lamp? It's crucial that we understand what the test is first to understand its mechanism. Wood’s lamp is a diagnostic …

Wood’s Lamp Test for Vitiligo
June 23, 2024

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that often casts a long shadow on those it affects. For millions worldwide, PsA presents a complex challenge, intertwining joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation with the characteristic skin lesions of psoriasis. With ongoing research and an integrated treatment approach, Kayakalp Global has treated thousands of patients struggling with the condition, offering them respite from the symptoms they are experiencing. Being aware of the condition, the symptoms, and treatment options empower patients to manage their condition and lead a more fulfilling life. If you are curious to learn more about psoriatic arthritis and its associated symptoms and treatment, we have curated this guide with all the relevant details. What are the Five Types of Psoriatic Arthritis? PsA manifests in various ways, and categorizing these variations helps with diagnosis and treatment planning. Here’s a breakdown of the different types of psoriatic arthritis: Asymmetric Psoriatic Arthritis Among one-third of the psoriatic arthritis patients, the asymmetric variant is usually the most commonly affecting variant. The complications in this kind of psoriatic arthritis are usually milder. One of the most standout giveaways of patients suffering from this type is joint inflammation and pain concentrated on one side of the body, typically in large joints like knees, hips, fingers, or toes. It could be paired with morning stiffness and additional lesions on the skin. Symmetric Psoriatic Arthritis This type, the most prevalent form, strikes about half of all PsA cases. Here, the inflammation affects matching pairs of joints …

5 Types of Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment
June 22, 2024

Vitiligo is a chronic autoimmune disorder that contributes to the loss of pigmentation on the skin due to the destruction of the melanocytes. The condition, despite the lack of a proper trigger behind it, is believed to be caused by environmental, genetic, or other autoimmune disorders. Blood tests, though not the primary diagnostic tool, play a supporting role in vitiligo management. Quite a few different types of blood tests for vitiligo help identify potential complications, enabling patients to get a confirmed diagnosis and treatment plan. At Kayakalp Global, prescribing a series of blood tests to our patients with vitiligo symptoms is paramount to understanding their current physical health and aligning the treatment plan accordingly. Understanding Vitiligo and Autoimmunity Melanocytes, skin cells responsible for melanin production, are targeted by the immune system in vitiligo. This results in the characteristic white patches. When distinguishing vitiligo can be broken down into two major types: Non-segmental vitiligo The most common form, affecting both sides of the body symmetrically. Segmental vitiligo Less common, affecting only one area of the body. Vitiligo often co-occurs with other autoimmune conditions, such as: Thyroid disorders (Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease) Alopecia areata (hair loss) Pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency) Psoriasis Lupus This explains why getting a comprehensive range of blood tests is vital for diagnosing vitiligo and ruling out any potential complications associated with the risks of autoimmunity. When are Blood Tests Used for Vitiligo? Blood tests for vitiligo are not routinely performed. Diagnosis is primarily based on a thorough …

Blood Tests For Vitiligo Normal Level, Procedure And Cost
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Doctors at Kayakalp Global understand that every patient is Unique.

Treatment is tailor made for you based on your disease and medical history.

Dr. Dhawan, B.A.M.S​
Dr. Suman, B.A.M.S
Dr. Mini Vohra, MS
Dr. Munish Paul, MD
Vitiligo Surgeon
Dr. Samyak Dhawan
MBBS Consultant
Dr Bhanu Rawat
General Surgeon
Dr Priyanka Rawat
General Surgeon
Nidhi Kaudhik
Dr Akhilender Singh
General Surgeon

Dr. Dhawan, B.A.M.S


Dr. Suman, B.A.M.S


Dr. Mini Vohra, MS


Dr. Munish Paul, MD

Vitiligo surgeon

Dr. Samyak Dhawan

MBBS Consultant

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