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Wood’s Lamp Examination for Vitiligo: Normal Level, Procedure, and Cost

Wood’s Lamp Test for Vitiligo

Vitiligo is characterized by skin patches losing pigment. It is known to cause significant emotional distress to individuals living with it. Fortunately, dermatologists have a simple yet effective tool to aid in diagnosis - the Wood's lamp examination. This painless procedure offers valuable insights into the extent and characteristics of pigment loss, contributing to a …

Vitiligo is characterized by skin patches losing pigment. It is known to cause significant emotional distress to individuals living with it. Fortunately, dermatologists have a simple yet effective tool to aid in diagnosis – the Wood’s lamp examination.

This painless procedure offers valuable insights into the extent and characteristics of pigment loss, contributing to a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

If you want to unveil more details about Wood’s Lamp examination for vitiligo and its crucial role in a proper diagnosis, we have all the details sorted for you.

What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a chronic, autoimmune disorder that affects the melanocytes in the body, leading to the appearance of patchy white spots. While the exact cause behind this condition remains a mystery, researchers believe a combination of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors contributes to its onset and spread.

People can suffer from vitiligo regardless of their age, gender, and ethnicity. However, due to the presentation of the symptoms, the appearance of vitiligo is more pronounced in people with darker skin tones.

Some of the types of vitiligo include:

  • Non-Segmental Vitiligo (NSV)
  • Segmental Vitiligo (SV)
  • Mucosal Vitiligo
  • Focal Vitiligo
  • Trichome Vitiligo
  • Universal Vitiligo

Comprehensive testing and diagnosis are key to determining the kind of vitiligo you have and the ideal route of treatment. Wood’s Lamp examination is one of the most commonly referred modes of testing.

What is Wood’s Lamp?

It’s crucial that we understand what the test is first to understand its mechanism. Wood’s lamp is a diagnostic tool that emits ultraviolet (UV) light, specifically UVA light (wavelength of 365 nm). Named after Robert Williams Wood, who developed this form of illumination, it is widely used in dermatology to examine skin conditions.

When the light emitting from the device is shone directly on the skin, the UV light causes certain substances to fluoresce or glow, which can help identify and differentiate various skin disorders, including fungal infections, bacterial infections, and pigmentary disorders like vitiligo.

How Does the Wood’s Lamp Work in Vitiligo Diagnosis?

The Wood’s lamp, a black light, emits long-wave ultraviolet (UV) radiation within the 320-400 nanometer (nm) range. This invisible light excites certain molecules in the skin, causing them to fluoresce and emit a visible glow.

Now, the use of this particular device is widespread for the diagnosis of vitiligo. Here’s how:

Melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, absorbs UV light. In vitiligo, affected areas lack melanin, allowing the UV light to penetrate deeper and activate other fluorescent molecules in the skin.

When the Wood’s lamp is used, normal skin with healthy melanin levels appears a dull blue or violet due to the fluorescence of collagen and other natural skin components.

In contrast, vitiligo patches devoid of melanin show a bright blue or white fluorescence. This stark contrast between healthy and affected skin makes it easier for dermatologists to identify vitiligo and assess its extent.

Depending on the observations from the procedure, the dermatologist will determine whether the patient has vitiligo or some form of other skin disorder manifesting as vitiligo symptoms.

Wood’s Lamp Examination for Vitiligo: The Procedure

As the previous explanations depict, Wood’s Lamp examination is an effective and non-invasive diagnostic tool for vitiligo.

Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved:

Starts with preparing the patient

The first step in Wood’s lamp examination is preparing the patient for the procedure. This usually starts with an initial consultation, during which the patient’s medical history is analyzed, including the onset, progression, and current state of the vitiligo symptoms. Also, the room needs to be prepared so that the lights are dimmed to enhance the visibility of the fluorescence.

Additionally, skin cleaning is mandatory to ensure that there is no remnant oil, makeup, or lotion on the skin. This can interfere with the test results.

Actual examination

Once the patient is prepped, the next step is the actual testing. It starts with the lamp’s position, which is usually kept at a distance of 4-5 inches from the skin being tested. The dermatologist carefully observes the skin under the UV light. Areas affected by vitiligo will fluoresce a bright white or blue-white color, contrasting sharply with the surrounding normal skin.

Depending on the observation, the dermatologist will then document the pattern, size, and location of the fluorescent patches.

Interpretation of the documented reports

Based on the fluorescence pattern and the patient’s history, the dermatologist can confirm the diagnosis of vitiligo.

The Wood’s lamp can also help differentiate vitiligo from other pigmentary disorders, such as tinea versicolor (which fluoresces a yellowish-green color) or post-inflammatory hypopigmentation (which does not fluoresce).

Lastly, once the patient’s diagnosis is confirmed to be vitiligo, the next step is to follow up with one of our specialists at Kayakalp Global to kickstart the treatment. Depending on the severity of the condition, a personalized treatment plan is curated for the patient.

Note: Beyond vitiligo, the Wood’s lamp test is also effective in diagnosing different kinds of fungal infections, bacterial infections, porphyria, and eye examinations.

Why is Wood’s Lamp Test Used for Vitiligo Diagnosis?

When it comes to the diagnosis of vitiligo, Wood’s lamp test is often the “go-to” diagnostic tool for the majority of doctors, and here’s why:

  • It is a painless and non-invasive procedure, and no tissue sampling is involved, making it a quick diagnostic procedure.
  • The treatment doesn’t require specialized equipment or separate treatment rooms and can be done at the dermatologist’s office.
  • The distinct fluorescence pattern helps differentiate vitiligo from other skin conditions, ensuring accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Are There Any Limitations of the Wood’s Lamp Test?

While the Wood’s lamp test is considered a standard mark for diagnosing vitiligo, it has certain limitations.

  • The effectiveness of the Wood’s lamp may vary based on the patient’s skin color, with darker skin potentially showing less contrast.
  • Early or subtle changes in pigmentation may not fluoresce strongly, potentially leading to missed diagnoses in the initial stages.
  • Certain substances on the skin, such as lotions, oils, or makeup, can interfere with the fluorescence and affect the accuracy of the results.
  • The Wood’s lamp examines the skin’s surface and may not detect deeper or underlying issues.

Hence, our specialists at Kayakalp Global prioritize comprehensive testing and analysis and prescribe other tests.

What is the Cost of Wood’s Lamp Test for Vitiligo?

Wood’s Lamp test for vitiligo in India starts from INR 6500 on average. However, the prices can vary depending on the diagnostic center, the city you are getting it from, etc.

How is Vitiligo Treated at Kayakalp Global?

With 2,00,000+ patients treated, Kayakalp Global is a leading center of excellence for treating vitiligo and other skin conditions. Our priority is to make discussions around vitiligo open and transparent, with the hope that this will help patients not only seek treatment but also get the right treatment.

Here’s our integrated treatment approach:

  • It usually starts with a comprehensive consultation with one of our specialists. You can consult us in person or via teleconsultation at +91-9599794433.
  • Our specialists will analyze your medical history, prescribe tests, and then analyze the reports to confirm your diagnosis.
  • After the diagnosis is confirmed, a thorough treatment plan integrating modern medicine and Ayurveda is curated for the patient.

We prioritize offering personalized treatment to our patients in hopes that it will ensure optimal results and recovery for them. Our treatments are formulated by our doctors at Kayakalp Global to ensure favorable outcomes with re-pigmentation and evening out of the skin tone.

The Bottom Line

The Wood’s lamp examination is a valuable tool in diagnosing and managing vitiligo. Its ability to highlight areas of depigmentation with a distinctive fluorescence pattern makes it a reliable method for confirming the presence of vitiligo and differentiating it from other skin conditions. The procedure is non-invasive, quick, and cost-effective, offering several benefits for patients and healthcare providers.

Take the first step towards recovery with Kayakalp Global. Schedule a consultation with one of our specialists to take control of your vitiligo and your quality of life.

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