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5 Types of Psoriatic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment

5 Types of Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that often casts a long shadow on those it affects. For millions worldwide, PsA presents a complex challenge, intertwining joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation with the characteristic skin lesions of psoriasis. With ongoing research and an integrated treatment approach, Kayakalp Global has treated thousands of patients struggling …

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that often casts a long shadow on those it affects. For millions worldwide, PsA presents a complex challenge, intertwining joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation with the characteristic skin lesions of psoriasis.

With ongoing research and an integrated treatment approach, Kayakalp Global has treated thousands of patients struggling with the condition, offering them respite from the symptoms they are experiencing. Being aware of the condition, the symptoms, and treatment options empower patients to manage their condition and lead a more fulfilling life.

If you are curious to learn more about psoriatic arthritis and its associated symptoms and treatment, we have curated this guide with all the relevant details.

What are the Five Types of Psoriatic Arthritis?

PsA manifests in various ways, and categorizing these variations helps with diagnosis and treatment planning.

Here’s a breakdown of the different types of psoriatic arthritis:

Asymmetric Psoriatic Arthritis

Among one-third of the psoriatic arthritis patients, the asymmetric variant is usually the most commonly affecting variant. The complications in this kind of psoriatic arthritis are usually milder. One of the most standout giveaways of patients suffering from this type is joint inflammation and pain concentrated on one side of the body, typically in large joints like knees, hips, fingers, or toes. It could be paired with morning stiffness and additional lesions on the skin.

Symmetric Psoriatic Arthritis

This type, the most prevalent form, strikes about half of all PsA cases. Here, the inflammation affects matching pairs of joints on both sides of the body. Hands, knees, ankles, and feet are commonly involved, mimicking rheumatoid arthritis. However, unlike rheumatoid arthritis, PsA frequently causes a characteristic “sausage finger” or toe appearance due to severe swelling.

Distal Interphalangeal Predominant PsA

Focusing on the “distal” (farthermost) joints, this type primarily affects the ends of the fingers and toes. Stiffness, pain, swelling, and nail pitting are common signs. It can be misdiagnosed as osteoarthritis, which typically affects older adults. This is one of the primary reasons our specialists at Kayakalp Global prioritize comprehensive testing and evaluation before confirming the diagnosis.

Psoriatic Spondylitis

This variation specifically targets the spine and sacroiliac joints (where the spine connects to the pelvis). Some of the symptoms of this type include lower back pain, stiffness, and difficulty with everyday activities. This type often overlaps with ankylosing spondylitis, another inflammatory spinal condition. Understanding the symptoms and running thorough testing is thus quintessential to ensure that the patient receives the right treatment.

Psoriatic Arthritis Mutilans

Among all the types of psoriatic arthritis known to man, the Psoriatic Arthritis Mutilans is regarded as the most damaging. However, despite the aggressiveness of the disease, it is one of the rarest types of PsA. It’s characterized by severe, destructive joint inflammation that can lead to significant bone damage, deformity, and functional limitations. Prioritizing early diagnosis, followed by aggressive treatment is crucial to prevent such complications.

Note: It’s important to remember that these categories are not always clear-cut. Some individuals may experience a combination of types, and the pattern can evolve.

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis Types

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the different types of psoriatic arthritis, we must also assess the different signs and symptoms. This is where you need to take the time to analyze what’s wrong and then seek medical help for the condition.

Here’s a breakdown of the symptoms that indicate that you might be suffering from one of the types of psoriatic arthritis:

Joint pain and stiffness

One of the telltale signs that you are suffering from PsA is experiencing excruciating pain and stiffness in the joints. The pain can go from mild to debilitating, depending on the severity of the condition and also the type of PsA you are diagnosed with. Also, the stiffness is usually more severe during the early mornings and gradually gets better as one involves themselves in work.


A characteristic of psoriasis and arthritis is swelling in the joints. Sometimes, the inflamed joints in patients with PsA types might appear red and tender to touch. The “sausage finger” or toe appearance is particularly characteristic of PsA as well.

Skin rashes

The presence of psoriasis, typically characterized by red, scaly patches, is a strong indicator of PsA. These lesions can appear anywhere on the body but commonly affect the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. Depending on the type of psoriatic arthritis you are struggling with, the rashes could be confined to one side of the body or migrate to the other side, too.

Nail changes

PsA can affect fingernails and toenails, causing pitting, discoloration, separation from the nail bed, or crumbling. If you experience these particular symptoms, it is a red alert that needs to be addressed without delay.


Due to the autoimmune attacks and the complications that come with psoriatic arthritis, patients also experience bouts of fatigue and discomfort. Lethargy is quite a common occurrence in the patients as well.

Morning stiffness

Patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis often experience morning stiffness, a condition in which the joints become extremely stiff and difficult to move. The condition can last 30-60 minutes or more right after one wakes up. It usually gets better the more the patient moves and works around.

Note: If you are experiencing one or multiple of these symptoms, consult one of our specialists at Kayakalp Global. Proper diagnosis and treatment can help you overcome the complications and get the rightful help you need to lead a life that’s not riddled with them.

How to Diagnose Psoriatic Arthritis Type?

Diagnosing PsA can be complex as there’s no definitive test. Rheumatologists typically rely on a multi-pronged approach. At Kayakalp Global, our specialists dive deeper into the complexities of the condition and run thorough testing to determine the ideal treatment route.

Here’s the diagnosis protocol we follow at Kayakalp Global:

Initial consultation

We offer in-person and teleconsultations to our patients to ensure that each aspect of the complication is assessed and examined before a treatment plan is curated. Usually, during the consultation, our specialists discuss the symptoms the patient is experiencing.

Also, a detailed medical history is an absolute must to rule out any other potential complications that could mimic the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.

Imaging test

For a more comprehensive diagnosis, we also prescribe imaging tests to our patients, including X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds. The objective is to assess and visualize joint damage, inflammation, and structural changes associated with PsA. While these tests can’t definitively diagnose PsA, they can aid in differentiating it from other types of arthritis.

Blood tests

Blood tests are another key marker in the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. Certain markers, like C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), can indicate inflammation. However, there are no “specific” tests available for the diagnosis of the types of psoriatic arthritis.

A diagnosis of PsA is often based on a combination of these factors. In some cases, we often prescribe a series of additional tests to rule out complications with similar presentations.

Integrated Treatment Approach of Types of PsA at Kayakalp Global

Now that you have a better idea about the types of psoriatic arthritis, the next thing to pay close attention to is the treatment approach.

Psoriatic arthritis, in terms of Ayurveda, is categorized into two parts – Vatarakta (joint disorder) and Kushta (skin disorder). At Kayakalp Global, our treatment approach targets both Vatarakta and Kushta to ensure optimal and desired results.

Here’s a breakdown of the potential complications and how they are treated according to Ayurveda:

Snehapana: Application of medicinal ghee and oil.

Swedana: Steaming to make one perspire.

Vamana: To detoxify, she caused vomiting.

Virechana: Gastrointestinal tract cleaning.

NiruhaVasti: Toxin elimination by herbal decoction enemas.

Beyond these, our doctors at Kayakalp Global also prioritize and emphasize introducing sustainable changes to one’s lifestyle and hygiene. Here are a few treatment tips to follow through:

  • Stick to a healthy diet and indulge in frequent exercising too.
  • Avoid ill habits like drinking alcohol, smoking, or taking too much stress since these exacerbate the symptoms.
  • One of the most important aspects of healing psoriatic arthritis in the patient depends on how well the patient is adhering to the treatment plan.
  • Having a strong support network of family, friends, and healthcare professionals is crucial for managing PsA. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Get Help with Psoriatic Arthritis

PsA can be a complex condition, but with proper diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle modifications, it’s possible to manage symptoms and live a full and active life. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey.

With Kayakalp Global, we aim to help you get the treatment you need to lead a comfortable life without complications. For consultations, more details, and resources, kindly contact our team at +91-9599794433 or email us at [email protected].

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